Comedy Magic Show at the Stratosphere Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas Redneck Comedy Magic — Las Vegas' Comedy Club: L.A. Comedy Club


 Redneck Comedy Magic

The James Michael Redneck Comedy Magic Show at the Stratosphere Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas 

Comedy Magician: one of the unique magic shows along the strip. The James Michael Redneck Comedy Magic Show is a hilariously good time. 
He combines his hilarious antics with the wonderment of modern magic that provides you with an amazing show each and every time. 
With something for everyone, the Redneck Comedy Magic Show in Las Vegas is an amazing performance that encourages audience participation. 
Whether you are interested in the funny side of the comedy show, or the wonder of magic, one thing is clear; James Michael knows how to put on one heck of a show.


Ya’ll heard of street magic…well, hold your horses…cause here comes some dirt road magic.

James Michael’s RedNeck Magic might not be the brightest crayon in the box or he’s just too big for his own britches! But he has taken the suave and sophistication out of your typical douchebag Las Vegas magician, and brought it back to its roots!

With boots, booze, and bad words.

His show is what you get if you crossed David Copperfield and an episode of HEE HAW!

So, if you’re looking to go hog wild then I reckon this show will have you grinning like a possum eating grits out of a light socket!
Cause when you walk out of the theatre ya’ll gonna be…

A bit drunker

A bit trashier

And wishing you were wearing diapers!

Cause this show is the sh*t!